Nature – Power in Abundance

Nature has got a lot on its store. We try to do so many things artificially going against them and when we see it showing its bad face, we realize our mistake start to take corrective steps.The youngsters these days are mostly confined to their homes playing games either alone or online with group of their friends who were based in different countries across the world.

My question is – Will these games bring the greatest pleasure which we used to have when we had played together with our neighbors?

Now let me take you through some propositions as to how we can play with Nature.

Nature has lots to offer. Let us see how we can make use of it and how to engage ourselves bringing all of them closer to us. Firstly, I would engage all around my locality to do few things one by one.

Firstly, it is about preparing Natural (Organic)Manure by collecting vegetable waste. We can use this by enriching the garden on our own backyard or sell it in the market, if it is in excess.

Secondly, we all can be involved in taping rain water by setting up rain water harvest system in our place/apartment. This is a collective action and only when we all join our hands together, we can do it easily. The pleasure of saving water is immense as we get to leave our planet earth for our future generation too….

Next comes, tapping Solar Energy. As this requires initial investment, we must all pool our money together by effectively involving elders as they tend to have more savings when compared to the youngsters. The investment can be reaped in few years down the line with reduced electricity charges and if we produce in excess, we can even sell it to the Electricity Board.

As you would have noticed by now that the opportunities are available in plenty but we hardly notice it, we can make it a picture perfect scenario when we all come together and do it as a collective action. It can become a Model Street for the other localities and when every one starts replicating your idea, the place becomes beautiful, green and pollution-free.

These are the activities which are not harmful to us in any way but on the other hand can bring in lot of things namely:





Role Model for others

Well, the benefits are infinite. Let us embrace nature and make the most of it from what it has to offer and by bonding with elders in our locality and also with all other, we can not only beat the boredom in an effective way but also can make our life,a meaningful one.

By the way, I am really amazed after watching this stupendous video which portrayed the relationships in a beautiful way

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